Friday, February 25, 2011


chu shing bstan bcos

Similes of Trees and Water

Literally "Commentary on Trees and Water," it is commonly translated as "Similes of Trees and Water" because that title is more functionally accurate. 

legs par bshad pa chu dang shing gi bstan bcos brda don dang bcas bzhugs so
gung thang bstan pa'i sgron mes brtsams

Herein collected are the signs, meanings, and commentaries of trees and water elucidated.
Composed by Gung Thang

legs par bshad pa chu'i bstan bcos lugs gnyis rlabs phreng brgya ldan zhes bya ba bzhugs so

Herein contained is "The commentary on water elucidated and endowed with hundreds of successions of waves of the two traditions."

The two traditions, lugs gnyis, were established by the 5th Dalai Lama.  They are the religious and secular branches, chos lugs and srid lugs respectively.

Signing off in Lhasa, Miss A.

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